"Successful innovation is finding a solution to a problem you did not even know you had, but once that problem is solved it becomes essential. That is the type of innovation we are focused on." Our way of working is inspired by the desire to always exceed your expectations: anticipating and understanding your needs, focusing on outcomes, being guided by engineering excellence, and teamwork...
Since the AXENCO Group is dedicated to creating comfortable environments, we are intrinsically concerned with the issues of environmental sustainability, improving energy efficiency, reducing waste and finding affordable of solutions. In this context : – Our activities are driven by a continuous application of the scientific method to improving practical problems. – The aim of our...
The smart control of heating the connected home Monitoring, management, control of comfort and budget in the home to participate actively in the fight against fuel poverty 3 free, complementary and linked applications to meet all needs! Innovative products with local intelligence, Internet to view, control, anticipate, optimise Our goal: adapted services For each of you:...
Thermal comfort in all simplicity, within earshot! Voice control has proven to be revolutionary to every field because it is able to simplify a user’s life. Today NEOMITIS® is making reliable voice control technology accessible to the heating sector via the Myneo stat, Myneo link, and the Myneo fluid. ... There are so many common operations that you can now do on your heating device,...
Discover our latest products: Electric & Hydraulic Underfloor Heating systems, triple connectivity range of heating products, heating management devices, and more 7-8th November 2024 | Location : PORTSMOUTH ROAD, ESHER, SURREY. KT10 9AJ | Time : 10AM – 4PM | Stand : C52 Location SANDOWN PARK Portsmouth Road Esher SURREY KT10 9AJ Travel BY CAR The arena is close to the M25...
Housing 2024 will provide opportunities for collaboration, best practice learning and vital discussions as we work together to transform the sector. Neomitis has many innovative product and app solutions to address tenant engagement, risk management, social care, integration of health and housing, increased professionalism / reputation, and the cost-of-living crisis. Come and see our...
Housing 2024 will provide the collaboration, best practice learning and conversations needed to work together to achieve as a sector for our communities. Tenant engagement, governance, risk, tenant voice, changing and re-setting business plans, the importance of social care, health and housing integration, professionalism, reputation, the cost of living crisis and quality are just a few of the...
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