Product ranges

Boiler Plus compliant products

Boiler Plus compliant products

Smart and connected products

Smart and connected radiators

Smart Wi-Fi Hub

Smart and connected towel rails

Smart and Internet connected digital room thermostats

Smart and connected radiant panel heater

Coloured products

Coloured thermostats

Coloured decorative radiators

Coloured towel rails

Coloured electric radiators

Coloured radiant panel heaters

Heating management

Smart Wi-Fi Hub

Smart and Internet connected digital room thermostats

Analog room thermostats

Digital room thermostats

Digital timer and programmer

Cylinder thermostat

Multi-system thermal solar energy controller

Motorised zone valve


Decorative radiators

Electric towel rails

Electric towel rails with blower

Living rooms

Radiant panel heaters

Electric radiators

Decorative radiators



Displays, hangers, remote controls etc

Heating Calculator

Power calculator

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