For years, Neomitis has been committed to fighting energy and climate issues.

From the outset, sustainable development is at the heart of our concerns. At each product design, we challenge ourselves to continually seek improvement and optimise the energy efficiency of our heat emitters. The goal: to reduce energy bills whilst preserving the comfort levels that the end-user requires.
Well aware of the constant need to improve energy efficiency in the housing sector, 10 years ago we invested time and resources to develop a range of innovative features, which are now being introduced into our controllers and heat emitters.
For years we have included Ecodesign (Lot20) features on our range of electric radiators and radiant panel heaters, we have also decided to invest in extending these innovative features to our bathroom products (Towel rails) – offering you one of the widest complete ranges of Ecodesign (Lot20) compliant products on the market! Furthermore, we have added a range of controllers for electric towel rails, as well as a complete range of ultra-slim hot air blowers, available in a standard or a custom style and remotely-controlled.
In a few words, we have integrated the innovative features of the Ecosens pack and Pack + into our towel rails and electric heaters, these include;
Effective from the 1st January 2018, this new Ecodesign Directive is mandatory and defines the ecodesign requirements.
European Union regulation 2015/1188 / EU, associated with the ERP directive 2009/125 / EC define the minimum requirements for products with high energy demand. The goal is to reduce energy demand and CO2 emissions, as well as increase the total share of renewable energy.
These directives apply to all heat emitters put into circulation in the European Economic Area (EEA), resulting in all individual heating devices being impacted. All new heat emitters will have to integrate this new regulation.
What is it used for?
Products will have the best environmental performance. Indeed, the requirements of this directive has set new indicators for greener performance:
A new coefficient of seasonal energy efficiency to achieve, other energy performance criteria.
How do Neomitis heating products comply?
The following features are held on the majority of Neomitis heating products, which ensures product compliance:
Neomitis® offers a wide and complete range of Ecodesign (Lot20) heat emitters.

We take this opportunity to present to you our new product lines that showcase, innovation, quality, design, and cost control because we are aware that it is our duty to participate in your competitiveness by providing you with products that will reliably respond to your customer’s demands whilst being easy to install and operate!